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Read online book Shared Governance for Sustainable Working Landscapes FB2, MOBI


Sustaining our agricultural landscapes is no longer just a technical, scientific or even political problem, but it has evolved into a socially complex, so-called wicked problem of conflicting social governance and economics. This creates an extreme economic obstacle where the value of ecosystem services remains low and diffuses and the transactions costs remain high and multiple.Using Uber-like business platform technology and a shared governance model, a symbiotic demand for environmental benefits is created. Enabling multi-sector transactions for environmental benefits, this platform innovation would remedy the "tragedy of the commons"; the economic nemesis to achieving landscape sustainability. In a nutshell, to sustain our agricultural landscapes a transdisciplinary approach supported by a shared governance model housed within a multi-sided platform in needed. This book introduces an assessment framework identifying governance actors, styles and ratios for socio-ecological systems. The assessment uses a new governance compass to identify the types of actors completing which tasks and identifies the styles of governance used to complete the tasks. It is aimed to anyone involved in sustainability science, agricultural policy planning, or integrated landscape design., Working landscapes are a complex mix of economics, policy, ecology and social norms. Within these interactions and relationships, governance evolves. Governance relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power or verify performance. Governance is naturally a role of government agencies, but private and NGO sectors also play significant roles. This book describes how shared governance, landscape intelligence, environmental portfolios and symbiotic demand are integrated to allow multiple stakeholders to share in the costs and values of environmental benefits.

Read ebook Shared Governance for Sustainable Working Landscapes by Timothy M. Gieseke in EPUB, FB2

This emerging framework diagnoses water problems, identifies intervention points, and proposes sustainable solutions that are sensitive to diverse viewpoints and uncertainty as well as changing and competing needs.Modern Human Resources: Technology, Social Media, and Management Human Resource Management provides readers with the daily tools and skills they need to function as successful managers--in both human resources and business in general.The book is enriched by case study examples from different parts of the world, as well as insights into the theory and practice from those actively involved in the science of fisheries management.Build an agile, responsive portfolio with a new approach to global asset allocation Adaptive Asset Allocation is a no-nonsense how-to guide for dynamic portfolio management.Helpful features include: - Sound and complete coverage of related theory - Chapter introductions - A concluding chapter that draws together key strands of thinking - Discussion questions This book will be of interest to higher level undergraduates and MSc/MBA students taking courses in corporate governance or related subjects.Water is a basic human need, and despite predictions of water wars, shared waters have proven to be the natural resource with the greatest potential for interstate cooperation and local confidence building.This leading and defining text has been updated throughout and extended to cover netweork, global and multi-level governance, on meta-governance and complexity, measurement and building empirical models., The term governance has become one of the most widely used in debates in Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations--often to mean very different things.These changes challenge both traditional software quality assurance techniques and software engineers to ensure software quality when building today (and tomorrow s) adaptive, context-sensitive, and highly diverse applications.The book then proceeds to present the Initiative's culminating documents, which outline in detail its proposed Special Regime governance model.The Future of Pension Management" provides a real-world update on the state of pensions today and a look forward to the changes we still need to make., Writing in the mid-70s, Peter Drucker predicted that demographic dynamics would eventually make pensions a major societal issue involving such topics as how pension systems should be designed, how pension organizations should be organized and managed, and how retirement savings should be invested.